SUBJECT: P&C meeting Wednesday 27 MARCH via Zoom - all welcome!

Hi Erko Parents & Carers

Our next P&C meeting will be held via Zoom tomorrow (Wednesday 27 March) - all welcome!  Please join anytime from 6:45pm so we can start the meeting at 7pm sharp.

Meeting ID: 636 4506 0740

One tap mobile

+61879356035,,63645060740# Australia

+61244159032,,63645060740# Australia

We've got a busy agenda including proposals for upcoming events (fun for kids and grownups!) and ways the P&C can advocate for a better and safer learning environment for students. 

If you're not already a member, now's a great time to join. If you'd like to vote or stand for a role on the P&C Executive at our AGM, you need to join by around 8pm tomorrow.  Join online at:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

-- Erko P&C

Erskineville Public School
Address: Malcolm Street Erskineville NSW 2043
Phone: 02 9557 5206

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